A Taste of it all
Sauce collections
Sauce on the Stove
The Renaissauce Boss
Michael Grill is a Vancouver-based artist and designer by way of New York, and his work displays his unique illustration style and heterodox sources of inspiration from Catholic traditions to the NBA. Mike’s “Rennaisauce” and “Da Burning Bush” NFT collections are playful and unmistakably New York, combining classical imagery with contemporary flourishes as if someone ripped open the space-time continuum and let a Miami hypebeast run free in ancient Rome. - RollingStone Magazine

NYC Gallery Feature
Trappin Downtown
My artwork “Trappin’ in my Bowler Hat” on display at the downtown Dream Hotel in the greatest city in the world (NYC).
Life has its moments but only a few are monumental. Cheers to all creatives and those who continue to push the boundaries in the art world.
Get lost in the sauce